Turf Grass Care

Here is a recommended starter program that you can follow to help re-establish your turf.  If you have any questions regarding the program, feel free to give me a call and I would be glad to talk you through the process!

Program for Turf Renovation:


  1. Aerate entire turf area before September 15th.
  2. Over-seed area with recommended seed and seeding rates before September 15th for fescue and before the end of September for bluegrass. Make sure the seed comes in contact with the soil to ensure germination. Call us for dormant seeding timing and rates.
  3. Lightly spread compost- no more than ¼”- over new seed to provide adequate nutrients.
  4. Apply starter fertilizer.
  5. Keep soil moist, but not saturated.  You may be watering lightly 3 times a day (morning, noon and late afternoon) depending on the temperatures and rain.  Water to the point of showing small puddles.  This schedule can last 1-2 weeks.  Once the seed has germinated begin to slowly reduce your watering schedule.  First, reduce the time of each watering by a few minutes.  Then remove one watering out of the daily schedule. Finally cut back to regular watering only 2-3 times a week.  This watering schedule may last up to 30 days.
  6. Apply winterizer in November.


  1. Follow the same seeding & fertilizing steps as above. Seed after April 15th   or after our last frost date.  If seed germinates and then we have freezing temperatures, it can kill the tender grass.
  2. Only use a crabgrass preventer WITH seed starter this season.
  3. Follow the same watering schedule as above.
  4. Do not apply weed & feed fertilizers unless the new grass is 3 months old or you have had 4 good mowings off the grass. Spot spray weeds throughout the growing season.
  5. You may need to over-seed again in fall depending on summer weather conditions.
  6. Do not aerate this fall, aerate next spring.

General Notes:

It is important to aerate in fall once turf is established. While establishing new turf it is also beneficial to aerate in spring.

We recommend that you follow a 5-Step program to ensure the highest quality of turf:

  • April 15th-May 1st———-Crabgrass Preventer
  • May 15th-June 1st———–Weed Control
  • June 1st-June 15th———–Insect Control
  • Sept 5th-Sept 15th———–Fertilizer
  • November——————-Winterizer

*Remember, organic and natural fertilizers and weed controls are available!  Aerating the yard is important for fertilizer and water uptake.  You can help the roots grow by applying compost and other ammendments that open the soil.

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